- A Framework for Quantifying Reach-Scale Hydraulic Roughness in Mountain Headwater Streams / Water / Kim, T., Lee, J., Kim, T., Im, S.
- Post-Fire Changes in Canopy Solute Leaching in Pinus densiflora Forests / Forests / Kim, T., Kim, Y., Lee, J., Woo, C., Im, S.
- Water Retention Capacity of Leaf Litter According to Field Lysimetry / Forests / Kim, T., Kim, J., Lee, J., Kim, H.S., Park, J., Im, S.
- Climate Elasticity of Annual Runoff: Observation in Fifteen Forested Catchments on a Latitudinal Gradient in East Asia / Atmosphere / Tanaka, D., Lai, Y.J., Im, S., Mahali, M.B., Tuankrua, V., Kuraji, K., Cleophas, F., Tantasirin, C., Gomyo, M., Tseng, C.W., Shiraki, K., Hotta, N., Asano, Y., Inoue, H., Nainar., A.
- Influence of Debris-Flow Impact on the Structural Stability of Check Dams / Frontiers in Earth Science / Eu, S., Im, S.
- Exploring the Role of Ash on Pore Clogging and Hydraulic Properties of Ash-Covered Soils under Laboratory Experiments / Fire / Kim, T., Lee, J., Lee,Y., Im, S.
- Assessing the long-term impact of land-use and land-cover changes on soil erosion in Ethiopia’s Chemoga Basin using the RUSLE model / Landscape and Ecological Engineering / Damtea, W.G., Kim, D., Li, Q., Eu, S., Im, S.
- Post-Fire Impacts of Vegetation Burning on Soil Properties and Water Repellency in a Pine Forest, South Korea / Forests / Li, Q., Ahn, S., Kim, T., Im, S.
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Cover Changes in the Chemoga Basin, Ethiopia, Using Landsat and Google Earth Images / Sustainability / Damtea, W.G., Kim, D., Im, S.
- Assessing the impacts of log extraction by typical small shovel logging system on soil physical and hydrological properties in the Republic of Korea / Heliyon / Lee, E., Li, Q., Eu, S., Han, S.K., Im, S.
- Development of Revegetated Slope Stability Assessment System in South Korea / Journal of The Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University / Kil, S.H., Kim, S.W., Lee, D.K., Kim, N.C., Im, S., Park, G.S., Otsuki, K.
- Climate classification of Asian university forests under current and future climate / Journal of Forest Research / Lai, Y.J., Tanaka, N., Im, S., Kuraji, K., Tantasirin, C., Tuankrua, V., Majuakim, L., Cleophas, F., Mahali, M.B.
- Soil conservation service curve number determination for forest cover using rainfall and runoff data in experimental forests / Journal of Forest Research / Im, S., Lee, J., Kuraji, K., Lai, Y. J., Tuankrua, V., Tanaka, N., Gomyo, M., Inoue, H., Tseng, C.W.
- Characterizing the Interception Capacity of Floor Litter with Rainfall / Water / Li Q., Lee, Y.
- Development of Debris Flow Impact Force Models Based on Flume Experiments for Design Criteria of Soil Erosion Control Dam / Advances in Civil Engineering / Eu, S., Im, S., Kim, D.
- Performance analysis of log extraction by a small shovel operation in steep forests of South Korea / Forests / Lee, E., Han, S.K., Im, S.
- Productivity and cost of a small-scale cable yarder in an uphill and downhill area: a case study in South Korea / Forest science and technology / Lee, E., Im, S., Han, S.K.
- Key and Smart Actions to Alleviate Hunger and Poverty Through Irrigation and Drainage / Irrigation and drainage / Unver, O., Wahaj, R., Lorenzon, E., Mohammadi, K., Osias, J.R., Reinders, F., Sangjun, I.M.
- Moisture content measurement of broadleaf litters using near-infrared spectroscopy technique / Remote Sensing / Kim, G., Hong, S.J., Lee, A.Y., Lee, Y.E., Im, S.
- Considering resources beyond water: irrigation and drainage management in the context of the water–energy–food nexus / Irrigation and drainage / Avellán, T., Ardakanian, R., Perret, S.R., Ragab, R., Vlotman, W., Zainal, H., Im, S.J., Gany, H.A.
- Estimation of soil erosion rate in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea using the RUSLE model / Forest science and technology / Lee, E., Ahn, S., Im, S.
- Flow and deposition characteristics of sediment mixture in debris flow flume experiments / Forest science and technology / Eu, S., Im, S., Kim, D., Chun, K.W.
- Assessing the vegetation canopy influences on wind flow using wind tunnel experiments with artificial plants / Journal of Earth System Science / Hong, Y., Kim, D., Im, S.
- Allometric models for Rhizophora stylosa griff. in dense monoculture plantation in the Philippines / Philippines. Malaysian Forester / Gevana, D., Im, S.
- Land use characterization and change detection of a small mangrove area in Banacon Island, Bohol, Philippines using a maximum likelihood classification method / Forest science and technology / Gevana, D., Camacho, L., Carandang, A., Camacho, S., Im, S.
- Comparing potential unstable sites and stable sites on revegetated cut-slopes of mountainous Terrain in Korea / Sustainability / Kil, S.H., Lee, D.K., Kim, H.G., Kim, N.C., Im, S., Park, G.S.
- Assessing Rainfall Contribution to Storm Flow on a Small Forested Catchment in Republic of Korea / Journal of Environmental Science and Management / Lee, S.H., Im, S., Gevaña, D.T.
- GIS-based lake sediment budget estimation taking into consideration land use change in an urbanizing catchment area / Environmental earth sciences / Kim, S.M., Jang, T.I., Kang, M.S., Im, S.J., Park, S.W.
- Plant Diversity and Aboveground Carbon Stock Along Altitudinal Gradients in Quezon Mountain Range in Southern Mindanao, Philippines / Journal of Environmental Science and Management / Gevaña, D.T., Pollisco, J.P.T., Pampolina, N.M., Kim, D., Im, S.
- Modeling the contribution of trees to shallow landslide development in a steep, forested watershed / Ecological engineering / Kim, D., Im, S., Lee, C., Woo, C.
Change anomalies of hydrologic responses to climate variability and land-use changes in the Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve / Journal of Environmental Science and Management / Combalicer, E.A., Im, S.J.
- Changes in the forest landscape of Mt. Makiling forest reserve, Philippines / Forest Science and Technology / Combalicer, M.S., Kim, D., Lee, D.K., Combalicer, E.A., Cruz, R.V.O., Im, S.
- Diversity of fungal species isolated from litter-mycelial mats in the litter layer of a Korean deciduous forest / J. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ / Cha, J.Y., Im, S., Lee, S.Y., Ohga, S.
- Fungal Species Associated with Litter? mycelial Mat Formation in an Abies holophylla Forest in Korea / Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University / Cha, J.Y., Lee, S.Y., Im, S., Ohga, S.
- Modeling hydrologic processes distribution in a tropical forest watershed in the Philippines / Journal of Tropical Forest Science / Combalicer, E.A., Cruz, R.V.O., Lee, S.H., Im, S. (2010).
- Simulations of storm hydrographs in a mixed land use watershed using a modified TR-20 model / Agricultural water management / Jang, T.I., Kim, H.K., Im, S.J., Park, S.W.
- Assessing climate change impacts on water balance in the Mount Makiling forest, Philippines / Journal of earth system science / Combalicer, E.A., Cruz, R.V. O., Lee, S., Im, S.
- Simulations of storm hydrographs in a mixed-land use watershed using a modified TR-20 model / Agricultural water management / Jang, T.I., Kim, H.K., Im, S.J., Park, S.W.
- Predicting the rainfall-triggered landslides in a forested mountain region using TRIGRS model / Journal of Mountain Science / Kim, D., Im, S., Lee, S.H., Hong, Y., Cha, K.S.
- Estimation of irrigation return flow from paddy fields considering the soil moisture / Agricultural Water Management / Kim, H.K., Jang, T.I., Im, S.J., Park, S.W.
- Assessing the impacts of land use changes on watershed hydrology using MIKE SHE / Environmental geology / Im, S., Kim, H., Kim, C., Jang, C.
- Evaluation of Agricultural Nonpoint Source (AGNPS) model for small watersheds in Korea applying irregular cell delineation / Agricultural Water Management / Cho, J., Park, S., Im, S.
- Comparing groundwater recharge and base flow in the Bukmoongol small-forested watershed, Korea / Journal of Earth System Science / Combalicer, E.M., Lee, S.H., Ahn, S., Kim, D.Y., Im, S.
- Assessment of waste reuse effects on nutrient loads from paddy field using field-scale water quality model / Environmental Modeling & Assessment / Kim, S.M., Im, S.J., Park, S.W., Lee, J.J., Benham, B.L., Jang, T.I.
- Detecting Areal Changes in Tidal Flats after Sea Dike Construction Using Landsat-TM Images / Journal of Earth System Science / Kang, M.S., Im, S.J., Jang, T.I., Park, S.W., Kim, S.M.
- Comparison of HSPF and SWAT models performance for runoff and sediment yield prediction / Jornal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering / Im, S.J., Brannan, K.M., Mostaghimi, S., Kim, S.M.
- Simulating Fecal Coliform Bacteria Loading from an Urbanizing Watershed / Jornal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A- Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering / Im, S.J., Brannan, K.M., Mostaghimi, S., Cho, J.